
Telephone etiquette to follow while calling a fuck buddy after sex
Yesterday, you’d the best sex of your life—you’re ecstatic. In your ecstasy, however, you’ve dialled your fuck buddy’s number. Now, a feeling that it mightn’t be the best idea strikes right when the first bell rings.
It’s too late to act, now. However, don’t get anxious as you can still handle the situation by remembering telephone etiquette (which we’ve compiled in this post) that is necessary while discoursing with a fuck buddy.
What to speak
By and large, everyone’s first after-sex call can be a bit scary as they don’t know how the conversation will flow. The conversation can be awkward; however, that doesn’t mean you’ve to remain nervous during the call, too.
The best thing is to keep the confab short and acknowledge the performance of your fuck buddy Derby in bed—that’s the best thing to do so. Nevertheless, while acknowledging, you should avoid projecting yourself as someone really desperate for another bed date.
Some other points to remember
* Call at night and don’t make him feel that you’re just finding a way to talk to the person. One more thing: Don’t sound excited; rather, you should sound (and remain) calm. (You should try treating the call as a courtesy call.)
* You’ve to be polite when the conversation begins. Say hi and ask about his wellbeing; however, please don’t ask any personal questions or don’t discuss your day with your bedmate.
* Be confident while you’re trying to speak to your fuck buddy. Don’t just hem and haw around. Try chalking out a plan about your next bed date with him without sounding a wannabe.
So, keep each of these tips in mind whenever you call your sexual partner.